Tuesday, February 8, 2011

French Tip Dip, I love you!

I love the look of a French manicure, but I am a perfectionist when it comes to doing my own. I like a neat, crisp smile line. I'm not a huge fan of manicure stickers, but they do work. I like doing my French manicures by hand, but it's tedious work for a perfectionist! I have to clean up the smile lines and make sure they are perfect! 

About a week ago I was introduced to a new way to get perfect tips with a neat little tool/system called the French Tip Dip. I was intrigued, but a little skeptical. I thought it would be decent, but i wasn't expecting perfection.

I took it out of the box, read the directions, and laid everything out. Then I followed the steps and ended up with a beautiful manicure that took about 15 minutes start to finish, including set up time!

Here's the kit:

The tool has 4 different sizes on it, so you can do any size nail. Even toes!!

The kit comes with:
Amazing French Tip Dip tool
2 dip jars
HUGE 1.12 fl. oz. Bright White tip polish
 .55 fl.oz. Sheer Genius base coat
.54 fl. oz 3 Minute Topcoat
100/100 file
 manicure stick
instruction card/ mixing pallate
case to keep it all together

It's really easy to use. Just pour the white polish into one of the provided jars filling the jar half way. Dip the French Tip Dip tool into the polish, with the underside of the tool facing up. 

After you have dipped the tool and wiped it gently on the side of the jar; place the tool on the tip of your nail where you want your smile line, and gently pull towards the free edge. Use a light touch, just barely touching the nail with the tool.

That's it! Just let it dry for 2 minutes, apply sheer polish, dry for 2 minutes more, apply topcoat and dry for 3 minutes and your done! It's amazing!! Here are some more pictures of my new best friend!! lol

I am absolutely in love with this kit and will use it as my #1 go to for French tips!

You can get your own kit here:

My video review/demo of this amazing kit here:

Thank You

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